109 Waverly Place, New York, NY
This project was a full-gut rehab of a landmark building located in the West Village. The project contained six levels of ...MORE »

Greene St, Soho, NY
This full gut 3000sf loft renovation in the heart of SOHO is our feature project. All materials were shipped in from Italy....MORE »
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Step by Step Construction Process Guide

Initial Contact - 1 Day

This is the first contact with the client. Vincon will discuss and define the project. Client will forward any information to Vincon for example; Architectural drawings, sketches, building information etc.

In Person Visit - 1 Day

This is a one-on-one meeting in person where we discuss your goals and aspirations for project. We begin to develop the priorities of the project and discuss your expectations. We will address all aspects of the project to help better coordinate the project and tailor it to your needs.

Proposal & Bid Compilation - 3 Days to 4 Weeks

During this step, VINCON will prepare a bid which will clearly outline the project's schedule and budget. We will coordinate with reputable sub-contractors that we have established relationships with to provide client with the best price.

Proposal & Bid Submission - 1 Day

Once the bid is generated, it will be sent out for review by the clients and/or Architects. During this step, the client can request for changes and/or make corrections to the bid if necessary.

Reference Check - 5 Days

This step is part of the bid review and selection process done by the clients and/or Architects. They will call upon VINCON's past clients to provide them with testimonials and referrals regarding the service and quality of work they received from us.

VINCON Selection

At the end of the review process, once all bids have been considered and all references contacted, VINCON is selected to execute the work.

Contract Execution - 1 Week

During this step, the client and Architect will work with Vincon to finalize the projects contract which will follow the AIA standards for the Standard Form of Argreement between Owner and Contractor. This is when the project's schedule and final contract sum is determined.

Sign off on Project Plan & Resources

This is the step where the contract is signed and its terms and stipulations are agreed upon by all parties involved in the project; the client, the Architect and VINCON.

Initial Deposit Payment

Once the contract is signed and the initial deposit is received, the project will be scheduled to begin work. The initial deposit is negotiated and determined in the contract along with the payment schedule.

Commence Job

This is the most exciting step! Finally seeing your dreams and wishes come to life. Work on the project begins and you can rest assured that the project will be completed in a timely manner according to the schedule with the utmost quality and craftsmanship.